calm amidst the storm


an herbal ally for unease + anxious expressions that i have kept close to me for several years ~ i began crafting this when i first started working outside of the home when my eldest was nearly three. leaving my baby stirred so many feelings within me, even though i knew deeply of her safety, and i turned to my herb cabinet to help settle my racing heart. and thus, a remedy was born . . . i have shared this with several dear hearts over the years & been met with similar experiences shared. i have tinkered with & honed the recipe and it is a deep honor to offer this to you, now, after years of dreaming it up!

motherwort; a dear friend for a heart feeling exhaustion either physical or emotional, she assists in calming a racing heart + soothing the feelings of anxiety
*lemon balm; tender + soothing, she brings a sense of calm & relaxation
*hops; bitter + delicious, hops help soothe a nervous system dysregulated, and can usher in some ease from physical pain
*skullcap, from my garden; an oft-reached for ally to ease nerves
essence of *wild rose, steeped in the rose bushes under the high summer sun; to open the heart to these remedies + to the lessons of the unease showing it’s face
essence of *rock rose, steeped at the edge of the forest where she grows, under the high summer sun; to facilitate courage, belief in self, and inner strength
*lilac flowers infused into local honey; because yum + to welcome alignment

2oz amber glass dropper bottle

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