hello world…

i have had a nice little hiatus from internet sharing, since about the winter solstice. as the shift of seasons nears, it’s time for new endeavors + new ways of putting my offerings out into the world. so, here i find myself. weaving this platform into existence, to offer up musings + handcrafts + hopefully, a space of community building + interaction.

since cutting instagram — my preferred interweb-sharing, community-finding resource over the course of the past several years — out of my life, things have been unfolding quite beautifully. many a shift, both internal + external, have taken place; i have read half a dozen books, established self care rhythms anew, as well as returned to some previously well-established routines; i have perhaps begun to scratch the surface of all of the cast iron tub soaks i’ve wished to take over the course of my youngest child’s life, and i have begun a lovely journey to further simplifying my and our life + home. the words that are bubbling around in my brain as this winter nears it’s end are warmth, and abuzz. mm, yes, i feel abuzz, as the winged messengers soon will be, too.

i have read books that how downright shifted my perspectives on many things, as well as found myself cradled in the pages of books that are mobilizing me into the next chapter, a chapter of clarity + simplicity. the past year sure has been a whirlwind, but in all it’s whirling + rapidly shifting winds, so much clarity has settled for me. clarity around what i believe, what i value, what i truly hold dear enough to hang onto, and most especially, of what i DO wish to cultivate, where i want to go. the skills i want to learn. the lessons i have long wanted to learn + pass onto my children, realized on a new plane of thought. one not of sheer desire, but a plane of thought that feels so absolutely necessary. necessary to cultivate, communicate, model, teach, pass on. necessary to share — not just in the ways i mentioned, but in the actual doing, together, in community. or so the dream goes. and so will i weave it into realization. so shall it be! thanks for finding me + being here + if you want in, drop a line!